SAY GOODBYE TO BIBLE TABS! The Ultimate Bible Bookmark is your Bible Tab Alternative!
Steps to customize are simple!
- Locate the Table of Contents in your Bible.
- Using an Ultra Fine Point Permanent marker (not included) write-in the Books of your Bibles page numbers. Do not use pen or pencil.
So easy. So fast. So useful.
For more information and to order. visit bible tab alternative Features & Benefits FIND THE BOOKS IN YOUR BIBLE FASTER THAN THE PASTOR! This innovative tool has been tested and proven to be an extremely effective Bible study aid. Extremely useful for beginners!
A compilation of the Books of the Old and New Testament listed alphabetically from Acts to ZephaniahBooks of the Old and New Testament clearly distinguished by color codingPersonalizing features include page number column that allows you to INSERT YOUR BIBLE’S PAGE NUMBERS. Ample space provided.Quality Ultra-fine point permanent marker such as Sharpie Brand (NOT PROVIDED WITH BOOKMARK - MUST PURCHASE SEPARATELY) assures the page numbers inserted will not rub off or diminish in clarity.Special plastic bookmark allows errors to be immediately erased with rubbing alcohol should you make an error with the page number written while personalizing your bookmark. Eliminates search flipping through your Bible.Easier than referring to the table of contents.Extremely helpful to those who wish to refer to their Bible during sermons and lectures.
PEOPLE WILL WONDER HOW YOU LOCATED THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SO QUICKLY! With no unsightly Bible Tabs affixed to your pages, you’ll have them wondering!
Notice: actual size of bookmark is 2-1/8 X 7-3/8. Made of DURABLE strong plastic. Double sided print. Color coded Old and New Testament and Professionally Manufactured!
Copyright 2002 LJ Publications More Benefits! Makes an EXCELLENT stocking stuffer!
Perfect for Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, new church members, confirmation class members, holiday and birthday gifts. Purchasing and Pricing Info Visit us at bible tab alternative VIDEO |