Our congregation is made up of people from many backgrounds. Originally, the parish drew its membership from German and Scandinavian roots and later attracted people from many different ethnic backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of Queens County itself. Today, our parishioners hail from Asia, Guyana, the Caribbean, Sweden, Germany, England, Africa, and from all over the United States.
What We BelieveLutheran Christians confess the ancient creeds of the Church. We believe in God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- revealed in history, and today, in Jesus Christ crucified, resurrected, and coming again. We affirm that the Bible reveals to us the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ. We receive Christ in the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and in the forgiveness of sins (or absolution), and also in hearing the Word preached. We believe that God is active in our daily lives, caring for us, answering our prayers, watching over us, and bestowing on us abundant blessings.
When a person believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we believe that his faith will work the forgiveness of sin, deliverance from death and the devil, and grant life and salvation.

Our PastorOur minister is the Reverend Gregory J. Sutterlin. Pastor Sutterlin is a graduate of Wagner College and Yale Divinity School. Prior to serving our congregation, he had been the pastor at 4 Lutheran congregations in Queens and Long Island.
How We Worship and ServeSomeone has said that the Lutheran Church has Catholic substance and Protestant principles. Our worship glorifies God and nourishes the soul through prayers for the world, the church and one another.
We hear readings from scripture and listen to the proclamation of the Word in sermons. In the bread and wine of Holy Communion Christ gives us his body and blood. We sing ancient chants and modern hymns, too. Our Service is based on the “Western rite” or Mass of the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.” We are structured but not stuffy, reverent but joyous, and eager to show visitors how and why we worship as we do. All our worship services are in English.
There are also various opportunities for fellowship and festivity here. Christ Church has beautiful holiday services, coffee hours, festivals, Bible study groups, a youth service group,and a small choir.
Over the years many community organizations have found a home at Christ Church. We have welcomed the Fresh Meadows Seniors, The Boy Scouts of America, Overeaters Anonymous, the West Cunningham Civic Association, Queens Teens, and jazzercise and karate classes.
Weekly ScheduleJoin us for worship Sundays at 10:00.
Sunday School at 9:45.
Bible Study at 11:00 the first Sunday of each month.
Vacation Bible School--August 18th to 22th--9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Call for information and registration.
If you are without a church home, our pastor will be happy to speak to you about church membership and visit you if you wish. Let us know if we can pray for you and your family. You are always welcome at Christ Church!
Our e-mail address is: ChristFreshMeadows@verizon.net
Contact Us188-12 73rd Avenue
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 Telephone: (718) 464-0270