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Distinguishing Yourself From The Competition

The Internet is an incredible tool that allows you to distinguish yourself from the competition, potentially in some very profound ways. Start by refusing to settle for a "brochureware site." By way of explanation, a "brochureware site" is a very simple website that doesn’t say much, doesn’t do anything, and once the visitor’s been there, they’re very unlikely to return. Brochureware sites typically say "We’re here. This is our credo. These are our hours. Click here to contact us." They contain maybe five pages of information. Yes, they do (hopefully) get the critical information across. Yes, they are absolutely necessary for any business to do business. The unfortunate thing, though, is that they’re pretty darn boring.

If you possibly can, I strongly encourage you to use your website as more than simple brochureware. It is almost always possible to do so. By making your website extremely useful, you will cause people to want to bookmark it, and of course, to share it with their friends.

First, ask yourself what you can give, or share, or teach that is directly or indirectly related to your field. Permit yourself to envision the possibilities without getting caught up in the technical challenges of making it work.

For example... are you a makeup artist? You could use your website to teach young people what you know. You could develop an entire section on makeup tips for different ages... women who are discovering wrinkles they never had, and looking for solutions they never needed before.

Do you own a dry cleaner? How about putting together an online knowledge base for removing stains from clothing, from carpeting to furnishings? You could let the site visitor select the type of stain and the type of fabric, then give them a step-by-step procedure for removing those stains. Not only will you send your website traffic through the roof, you’ll also develop a stand-out reputation as a leader in your industry.

This material is Copyrighted. All rights reserved. Linda C. Uranga-Norton, President and Founder, Urangatang Web Design. To obtain reprint permission or engage the author for speaking engagements, please contact the author at . All reprints must include a link to the author's website at www.urangatang.com.

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